Saturday, March 10, 2012

The beginning and where it's heading.

This is the very first blog of the beginning. I'm blogging about my cute little guinea pigs named Ruffles and Nibbles. Technically it's made for Ruffles, but I wouldn't be able to help talking about her little partner in crime. So Ruffles is about a year old and Nibbles is about 2 years old. They are my very first piggys and my first pets since being independent from my parents. I never really planned on blogging about my guinea pigs, but something happened two weeks ago and other recent events that I thought what the hay :p .

So the piggy's mommy's are my best friends JT and BT, but as much as they loved them JT has sever allergies from being near them or their hay and it has gotten worse over time that it was time to let them go. So they began looking into new owners and I have been wanting a pet in the house for the longest time that when I heard they were giving them away I spoke to my boyfriend to see if he would consider having some new roommates. Without bringing up the topic of adopting them, he too was considering adopting them which I was ecstatic because I no longer had to pull reasons out of my ass on why we should adopt them. After discussing with him about space, money, what if's and researching a bit about guinea pigs, I called my friend right away to tell her we would be happy to adopt them. I think it was a bit of a relief for them because the biggest fear was giving them away to someone who wouldn't give a lot of care, love and attention, but also the extra benefit of being able to see them.

They brought them over and a week in, I continued to research and tried to create floor time with basic items around the house and Ruffles did not like the idea of being picked up. I knew it soon and I had to give it a couple weeks, but I wanted them to have some exercise, so the first attempt was not successful but a few days later I was able to get her and put her on the floor to play in their newer cage. That same day I picked her up and put her on my lap to get her used to me holding her, petting her and getting use to my scent and when I reached over slowly to get a carrot for a treat, the worst happened.

In a blink of an eye she freaked out ran up my shoulder and jumped! There was no way for me to have stopped her and I wish I would have had a better hold of her, but there's no turning back time. When I turned around on my chair see if she was okay, she was trying to turn on around off her back to run but I picked her up and the first thing I did was check for her feet. From researching I knew that they're back were really sensitive and very vulnerable to damage. I saw some movement from her feet and thought she was okay, but I was so very wrong. When I placed her back in her cage the first thing I saw was her dragging her feet to the corner of the cage. My heart skipped a beat and didn't know whether to scream to my boyfriend or call my friend and tell her what happened to her Ruffles. I told my boyfriend and he called all the emergency vet hospitals but no one had one available to view a guinea pig and we took all the advise the the vets gave up including separating the two guinea pigs. After several hours of watching over her that night for a moment it looked like she moved her legs back into original position so I believed that maybe she was back to normal and was just trauma (which is what the doctor said could happen as well). The next morning, I dropped my boyfriend off to work and coming home checked on Ruffles to see if she was still okay. My heart sank, she was back to dragging her feet and I began calling all the vets to see who could take in a guinea pig to get X-rayed and checked but because it was a Saturday there was few available. The 6th vet I called was successful and they were willing to see her and asap (which was awesome because I had work later that afternoon). After X-ray and all the doctor gave me some pain/inflammatory meds and some powder food (because Ruffles wasn't eating) to hold me off until my actual appointment which was that coming Monday.

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