Monday, March 12, 2012

Miracle Pig?

Quick note before I start. Nibbles did the cutest thing. When she was playing around in her cage and going through the cardboard tunnel there was a cardboard tape roll in front of her so she couldn't get out without moving it. So she literally picked up her right paw and pushed it to the side with full force to get across! It looked hilarious!! I wish I would have recorded it. I tried to have her repeat the action, but no luck....I guess it was a once and a lifetime situation. Oh well..

Both Nibbles and Ruffles are very spoiled I gotta say. Today I went shopping for groceries and I had my babies in my mind. I bought them grape tomatoes (which I gotta say they didn't like too much), lettuce and wheat grass (which they loved, I need to grow this). Since Ruffles is paralyzed I checked her and cleaned her rumpus yesterday which it looked pretty clean. I'm not sure if I did it right because I was scared as hell that I was gonna hurt her.  They both did really well except Nibbles moved around a lot, but it was okay and they both got treats from it so it was all good all around.

So here is the big new's that I've been wanting to talk about on this post......Ruffles is able to move and lightly push on her heel of her left leg. Her toes and right leg still shows no improvement, but I believed she was permanently paraplegic so that little movement she is showing is HUGE!!! Could it possibly be trauma? Is she healing which is slowly getting her movement back? Later on which I see the doctor maybe she can give us a better idea of what's going on. I was thinking about when the doctor gave us the news that we would have to either put her down or give her a comfortable and fulfilling life, I am soo grateful she's still with us today. We talked to the people at Doggon' Wheels and we were lucky to find out that they have a guinea wheelchair that can be refurbished to fit Ruffles which makes it half the price which is really nice that we were able to save a bit. I can't wait to receive the wheelchair and see what improvements we will see from Ruffles. <3

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